FAQs about submitting poetry

Does the style matter?

No, i will publish anything.

Does the length matter?

No, i will publish anything.

Does the genre matter?

No, i will publish anything.

Does the language that the poetry is written in matter?

OK, i understand that English is not your first language, but i have already said that four times by now... I will publish anything.

What if my poem is homophobic/racist/sexist/nationalistic/just stupid?

Then i will feel very sorry for you, and will ensure that i will include some of my poetry that states how much i disagree with you... but i will publish what you have sent me.

I want to receive royalties.

You can continue to want to receive royalties.

But i'm poor.

That's why i send this zine out for free... and you don't want to know how much the photocopying costs.

Will i get laid if i tell everyone that i am a published poet?

Read my blog, the "Sad but true" part.

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